Editorial Services & Monthly Mentorship

I am available for one-on-one mentorship and manuscript consultations for short stories, essays, and book-length works.

Manuscript Consultation ($160 per 5k words) Includes:

  • Margin Notes on big-picture ideas such as plot, pacing, stakes, theme, character development, and so on.

  • Editorial Letter where I share my experience as a reader, address questions I had around big-picture issues, suggest further reading and writing exercises.

  • 60-Minute Zoom or Phone Consultation where we discuss the work in real-time and writers are invited to ask follow.

Monthly Mentorship ($300 per month) Includes:

  • Editorial feedback on up to 20 pages of your writing per month. Feedback includes margin notes and a comprehensive 2-page editorial letter.

  • A weekly email check-in sent every Monday. This is a casual dialogue meant to keep you accountable and inspire reflection and growth around your process. It looks like an email sent out from me each week with a weekly reflection sheet google doc. After you return your reflection sheet back to me, I share some resources catered to you/your work. These resources tend to look like inspirational texts, recommended reading, useful outline templates, exercises, prompts, etc. In this weekly check-in you are also welcome to share any issues you might be running into and I provide feedback related to your process.

  • Monthly One-on-One Zoom Meeting (60min). In this meeting we will discuss your manuscript pages, your writing process, publishing, or any other topics that may arise.

I am currently open for monthly mentorship and manuscript consultations. If you would like to learn more about these services, please fill out the form below or email me a little about your project and what you are looking for at shelbyhintewriting[@]gmail[dot]com.

You can request to work together or reach out with questions on the form below.


“Shelby has a gift for helping you find the deeper story beneath your plot. When giving feedback, she finds points with unexplored tension and unexplained motivation, asking questions that help to probe more deeply into characters and their interactions. As a result of dialogue with Shelby, I’ve gotten clearer on my big-picture goals, as well as the places I can work on my manuscript to achieve them.”  —Rebecca van Laer, author of How to Adjust to the Dark

“Shelby is a strong and sensitive reader who sees what you're trying to achieve in your work and provides clear, actionable advice on how to get there. Her nuanced and succinct editorial notes helped me untangle a plot problem in my novel that I'd been wrestling with for years. Working with her is one of the best things you can do for your project.” — Mila Jaroniec, author of Plastic Vodka Bottle Sleepover

“Shelby Hinte has an eye for finding the heart of fiction in a story or a novel and for discerning rhythms and themes. She edited several chapters of my novel-in-progress when I was submitting them for a post-graduate fellowship. She asks great questions, gives excellent line edits and works professionally and collaboratively to improve one's work and make it the best it can be.” —Nancy K. Fishman